For Support: (504) 982-0685
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BIALA Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in supporting our organization. Details about our conference sponsor and exhibitor opportunities are available below along with our Corporate Friend Sponsorship opportunity. If you are interested in sponsoring smaller social and enrichment events for those we serve, please send an email to .

By supporting the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana and the Louisiana Chapter of United Spinal Association, you make it possible for us to fulfill our mission to be the statewide resource for those impacted by brain and/or spinal cord injury.

BIALA Annual Conference Sponsorship Online Application

Please fill out our sponsorship form above, or click the button to download a paper copy.


You’ve been so very helpful to us and we can’t thank you enough for all the information and assistance you provided us. Your help and direction has given so much confidence that we’ll get our beautiful son back because we’re making sound decisions based on your help.

Donna McCaleb


During an incredibly difficult time, when I called the BIALA hotline desperate for help, I was greeted by someone who showed that she truly cared, and I can't say thank you enough. She was a life support for me, and I don't know how I would have survived without her. She was there when I had no one else and brought me peace and comfort and understanding. There is no amount of money or thanks in the world that could repay her for her kindness and compassion. She was and continues to be such a blessing to me.

Catherine Genovese


First of all, thank you! Thank you for the magnificent website you have developed! I found some great information to help me with my fight against my own TBI. Resources just around the corner from where I lived that none of my doctors have referred me to are now at my fingertips. I continue to struggle and now am inspired to fight for others. I can't thank you enough for the work you have done.

Nicole Broussard

Individual with TBI
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