Use the "Categories"filter to find a specific type of resource or use the "Cities"filter to find all resources near you.
List of senior housing places
Database, searchable by city for living options
LRS list of regional offices statewide
Veterans ReEmployment
"A private, non-profit, non-residential, consumer-controlled, community-based organization serving the parishes of Louisiana.
Now offering skills training, memory improvement programs, and other helpful programs!"
Contact information by parish and city for Louisiana Offices Providing Job Service Assistance.
Comprehensive recourse to help with disaster and emergency planning
Information on disability benefit programs, help paying bills, etc.
OneStop Career Center; assistance returning to work; Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) assists persons with disabilities in their desire to obtain or maintain employment and/or achieve independence in their communities by providing rehabilitation services and working cooperatively with business and other community resources.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a variety of benefits.
Comprehensive resources. Our mission is to advocate for a fully accessible and integrated community and provide services for individuals with disabilities.
Assists with finding rental homes in Louisiana
In-home care services can help people at any point within the aging process. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized care plan tailored to help fit your family’s needs. Our expert care provides all the support people need to live well wherever they call home for years to come. This includes helping with Activities of Daily Living, transportation needs, etc. We accept private pay, LTCI, and VA Benefits. With numerous locations around the state, please visit:
Office: 337-295-7990
Games Uniting Mind and Body (GUMBO) is an interscholastic track and field competition designed for children ages 5 to 18 years of age who have physical or visual disabilities.
Provides many programs and resources for disabled and aging citizens. Coordinates the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Program.
One-stop career development program that offers individuals with disabilities a wide range of services designed to provide them with the skills, resources, attitudes, and expectations needed to compete in the interview process, get the job, keep the job, and develop a lifetime career.
Research, education and consultation on independent living, home and community-based services, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Center for independent living.
Information on Louisiana Community Disability, Relief Fund opportunities, Assistive Technology & Transportation Services
A direct link to transportation services throughout the state:
Find educational consultants, psychologists, diagnosticians, health care specialists, academic tutors, speech language therapists, advocates, and attorneys. You will also find government programs, grassroots organizations, special education schools, and parent support groups.
Apply for disability services
Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council is made up of people from every region of the state who are appointed by the governor to develop and implement a five year plan to address the needs of person with disabilities. Promote advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
The Louisiana Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program links affordable rental housing with voluntary, flexible, and individualized services to people with severe and complex disabilities, enabling them to live successfully in the community.
Allows individuals to choose to live in a home or community setting, with emphasis on community supports and services, such as information and referral sources, independent living skills training, peer support, advocacy, and other.
Contact information for Urologists in LA by city
Comprehensive resource website of Louisiana’s resources for individuals with disabilities.
Website dedicated to programs offered by Louisiana Dept. of Health. Comprehensive resources.
Resources for employment, education, etc.
The Louisiana Assistive Technology Initiative (LATI) is a project to promote information, resources and professional development about assistive technology for educators and families.
Free Confidential Statewide Domestic Abuse Hotline and Resource Center
List of Medicaid Providers across the state of Louisiana
We are a state-licensed freedom of choice provider for in-home care. Our trained, compassionate staff works with clients of various backgrounds, and we accept LT-PCS/CCW/NOW /ROW/EPSDT/CC/VA Program clients. We have a compassionate staff that is screened and trained. We work with those who qualify for services in Lafayette, St. Landry, Iberia, Acadia, Vermillion, Evangeline, and St. Martin parishes.
Our services include:
Personal Care / Light Housekeeping / Laundry / Preparing Meals / Grocery Shopping / Medication Reminders/ Doctor’s Appointments / Companion Care & More
Emergency preparedness plans for a variety of disasters.
State resources in the event of an emergency.
Our goal is to offer people who are dealing with substance use issues a single source of reputable, objective information about signs, symptoms, conditions, treatment options, and resources — presented in a user-friendly format and in language that’s easy to understand.
TBI survivors can hear stories from people with similar experiences, discover the answers they need for recognizing and dealing with substance use disorder, and locate support.
Louisiana: 15 free treatment programs, 43 inpatient rehab centers, 20 outpatient, 3 luxury residential,
49 drug & alcohol addiction detox centers, 114 rehabs with payment assistance.
The website offers an option to sort by payment option.
Neuroimaging is defined as the process of producing images of the structure or activity of the brain or other parts of the nervous system.
We perform the majority of common exams and specialized tests at fees that often significantly lower potential out-of-pocket expenses.
Please view the website for various locations within Louisiana and the Gulf Coast.
Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ.
Hosts special events such as retreats, getaways, dances, etc for families and/or individuals of all ages who have been touched by disability.
See website for upcoming events, resources, andstories of inspiration.
The Adult Waiver Dental Program provides coverage of certain diagnostic; preventive; restorative; endodontic; periodontic; removable prosthodontic; maxillofacialprosthetic; oral and maxillofacial surgery; orthodontic; and adjunctive general services.
View fee schedule here:
Professional guidance during life's most difficult decisions.
Our ongoing mission is to design a specific plan to help those in our care achieve their best possible health – in the comfort of home.
See Locations tab on website to find a service near you.